Sunday, December 13, 2009

How can I make my eyes look younger?

I am 38 years old female. Is there a combination of colors or techinques that will make my eyes look younger without surgeryHow can I make my eyes look younger?
Best way is to look light, like you just wokeu p. You want to glow. SO i suggest starting off with a base color like a cream and blend it into your lids with your finger up to your brow bone but not painting it in just blend it upwards. Then you can either rub pink, preferably a mousse shadow on your lids or dab gold specs onto your lids close to your lashline and onto the inside of your eyes. Try to keep the eyeliner to a minimal. You want your eyes to look wide and awake. This fall its ala bout full natural brows also thicker more bushier brows make you look younger while thin and arched make you look older. So there ya go. good luck!How can I make my eyes look younger?
make-up.. there's ppl that say you how to look younger..older..or whatever.. with just a bit of a make-up
there is cream to use for skin around eyes, its powerfull and have no side effects, made spacially for old people...try something called formula 404
use eye drops
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