Friday, December 11, 2009

My two month old baby's left eye seems to look crossed, does this mean that my baby has crossed-eye?

Everytime my two month old baby looks at me, the left eye is not on the center position, it seems it look crossed.My two month old baby's left eye seems to look crossed, does this mean that my baby has crossed-eye?
During the first few weeks babies eyes seem to go haywire because the baby is learning how to use them. it's just like how his/her arms or legs just splay wherever. the baby is trying to learn how to control them. If your baby's eyes look that way by the 3rd month then it's a concern, but he/she is still getting used to controlling their eyes. right now you can help him/her out by giving your baby ';back time'; where he/she can look up at attempt to reach for objects (baby gym) these develop eye development and hand-eye coordination.My two month old baby's left eye seems to look crossed, does this mean that my baby has crossed-eye?
i worried about the SAME thing! our pediatrician told me that all babies have weak eye muscle control and that i would see a gradual change. the pediatrician said if our son was still doing a bunch of cross eyed things at 6 months they would have me consult with an Opthmologist BUT, he's 4 months old now and NEVER looks cross eyed- EVER!
Just to be safe you should ask your doctor about it. My eyes started crossing when I was 3 years old and since my parents were poor in my country, I never saw the doctor for it until I moved here at age 12.

I don't have a major vision problem but I am still cross eyed and I probably wouldn't have his condition if I had seen a doctor earlier.
It's possible the baby has a lazy eye but at 2 months it might be hard to tell as they don't focus that well yet. I would bring it up at the next dr. appt.
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