Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why is it when you take a picture of the sun, you can look at it, but you can't look at the sun with your eye?

I know the camera reduces the glare, but isn't that changing the image?Why is it when you take a picture of the sun, you can look at it, but you can't look at the sun with your eye?
A camera only captures the light, that is shown on it. So when you look at apicture of the sun, you are just looking at a white dot because of all of the light shown through the lense. When you look at the sun, you aren't just seeing light's reflection, you are seeing the light's source and it burns your eye. Which is what happens when you look at a lightbulb for too long and you get that red/black shadow when you turn away. That is what happens when you overload and 'burn' your eye.Why is it when you take a picture of the sun, you can look at it, but you can't look at the sun with your eye?
Alright, when you are actually looking at the sun, it is harmful to your eyes because of how bright the sun is. Think about when you use a magnifying glass on an ant. If you look directly at the sun, the same thing happens to your retina. A picture of the sun is different because the picture doesnt emit energy like that.
Are you serious? Of course, you are not supposed to look at the sun through your viewfinder, so maybe it's not that different after all.

Can the sun burn out spots on the sensor???
Well Duh! you cant look at the sun directly because it will burn your retina's! and you will go blind! Maybe not immediately, depending on how long you look, but it will still bur your retina's and you will eventually lose your eyesight! Also a picture is just a picture! It's not radiating the same bright light! But can you really take a good picture of the sun? I never can, always looks blurred.
Well you shouldn't look at the sun because the amount of light and radiation coming from it can burn a whole in your retina (the light sensing part of your eye). If your talking about looking at a picture of the sun then the picture where the sun is would just look white and therefore the amount of light coming from it is just as much light as can bounce off the picture paper (millions of times less then what comes from the sun) but if you are talking about lookig through a lens of a camera at the sun you still should not do this as this is just focusing the light into your eye as well.

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