Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to make dark brown eyes look lighter?

my friends say that dark brown is an awesome colour but i want my eyes lighter. any help?

does looking at the sun help?

what make up should i wear?

thanksHow to make dark brown eyes look lighter?
Wear purple, dark pink, or teal eyeshadow

Oh, and there's mascara by Cover Girl called Exact Eyelights. and there's one for brown eyes and it makes your eyes look lighter.

Don't look at the sun, that's dangerous and actually darkens pigments I heard.How to make dark brown eyes look lighter?
Looking at the sun is a Terrible idea. It can damage your retinas.

I used to have really dark brown eyes that have lightened up and turned somewhat greenish over the past few years. I prefered them dark brown though.

I have discovered that when I use green hues of eyeshadow, my eyes appear browner, and when I use purples or browns, my eyes appear greener.

There si really no way to ';lighten'; you eyes, but just play around with eyeshadow colors. That is really the only thing you can do.

And just for the record, I think dark brown eyes are stunning!

EDIT: And I see a lot of people are telling you colored contacts, but with dark brown eyes, colored contacts will only look weird and fake. those contacts only really work for people with light eyes.
looking at the sun is dangerous, that would be a horrible idea

you could get colored contacts

i think purple brings out the color in the brown, but im not positive

really tho, dark brown eyes make eyes look bigger and pretty.
use lighter colors as eyeshadows, and dont go for black eyeliner, go for soft browns and maybe soft pinks. everything soft colors pretty much.
Pinks, golds and purples should bring out the light brownness of your eyes!!

If not, then colored contacts! =]
contacts that's only way i know.
the UV rays from the sun could damage you eyes..just have a contact lens that would fit to your description
the only safe way is color-tone contact lens

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